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May Guide 2021 – The data security equivalent to leaving your windows open

It’s always tempting to hold back on purchasing new IT equipment. Yet it can sometimes cost you more if you hang onto equipment for too long.

Did you know that if a device is more than 3 years old, it’s cheaper to buy a new one?

• A 5-year-old PC could cost twice as much to run as a new one
• A 4-year-old PC suffers 55% more security incidents than in its first 3 years

It’s all about getting the balance right between equipment that can be repaired and will happily last another couple of years – versus slow, unproductive equipment that needs to be replaced.

Read our brand new guide now. And you’ll learn 7 signs that will tell you whether you need new computers.

April Video 2021 -How to spot a ransomware attack before proper damage is done

One of the terrifying things that can happen to your business is a ransomware attack. This is where hackers take control of your network and encrypt all your data, making it unusable. They won’t undo the damage unless you pay a hefty fee – a ransom fee. The reason they can do so much damage is they secretly break into your system a long time before the attack is launched. The one upside of this is you can keep an eye out for symptoms you’ve been breached. Here are three ways you can see if hackers are already in your system.

April Guide 2021 – Cyber-crime: Your business’s 5 step plan to prepare and protect

It’s always tempting to hold back on purchasing new IT equipment. Yet it can sometimes cost you more if you hang onto equipment for too long.

Did you know that if a device is more than 3 years old, it’s cheaper to buy a new one?

• A 5-year-old PC could cost twice as much to run as a new one
• A 4-year-old PC suffers 55% more security incidents than in its first 3 years

It’s all about getting the balance right between equipment that can be repaired and will happily last another couple of years – versus slow, unproductive equipment that needs to be replaced.

Read our brand new guide now. And you’ll learn 7 signs that will tell you whether you need new computers.

March Guide 2021 – Repair or replace? 7 signs that you need a new computer

It’s always tempting to hold back on purchasing new IT equipment. Yet it can sometimes cost you more if you hang onto equipment for too long.

Did you know that if a device is more than 3 years old, it’s cheaper to buy a new one?

• A 5-year-old PC could cost twice as much to run as a new one
• A 4-year-old PC suffers 55% more security incidents than in its first 3 years

It’s all about getting the balance right between equipment that can be repaired and will happily last another couple of years – versus slow, unproductive equipment that needs to be replaced.

Read our brand new guide now. And you’ll learn 7 signs that will tell you whether you need new computers.

March Video 2021 -Which of these phishing scams have you heard of?

You’ve heard of phishing, we’re sure. It’s where criminals send you an email, pretending to be someone else (like your bank), to try to get sensitive information from you. But what about vishing? And smishing? And whaling? These are all forms of phishing designed to steal your information, and ultimately your money. We explore each one in our brand new video. Because the more aware you and your staff are, the better protected you’ll be.


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