If you use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge in your business, beware of this new security threat. It can lead to the theft of data and your login details.
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Insider Threats Are Getting More Dangerous! Here’s How to Stop Them
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Don’t walk the plank with pirated software
Small and medium-sized businesses are tempted to download pirated software. It’s a bad idea, and there are lots of reasons why. We have all the details.
Checklist for Better Digital Offboarding of Employees
Digital footprints cover today’s modern workplace. Employees begin making these the moment they’re hired. They get a company email address and application logins. They…
Tech Update – Don’t walk the plank with pirated software
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What Is Microsoft Defender for Individuals & What Does It Do?
When you hear about Microsoft adding security apps to M365, it’s often the business version. But the pandemic has changed the way that we…
Are you using Teams to share sensitive data?
New research has found that many employees send confidential and business-critical files over Microsoft Teams using personal devices. Moreover, HALF of the respondents admitted to doing exactly this!
The Biggest Vulnerabilities that Hackers are Feasting on Right Now
Software vulnerabilities are an unfortunate part of working with technology. A developer puts out a software release with millions of lines of code. Then,…
Tech Update – Are you using Teams to share sensitive data?
New research has found that many employees send confidential and business-critical files over Microsoft Teams using personal devices. Moreover, HALF of the respondents admitted to doing exactly this!