Tech Update – The secrets to make your laptop battery live longer

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Battery Life

Could you imagine what it must have been like doing business 30 years ago before you had a decent laptop?

It’s a horrible thought. And one that you only need to consider now and then when you have an hour’s worth of work to do… but only 30 minutes left on your laptop battery. Nightmare.

No one wants to be caught in the dreaded low-battery limbo during a crucial meeting or presentation. But with a little know-how, you can extend your laptop battery’s lifespan and keep it running optimally for years.

Understanding your battery is key. Most laptops today rely on lithium-ion batteries with a finite number of charge cycles. A charge cycle equals a full discharge from 0% to 100%, and each cycle diminishes the battery’s capacity.

The golden rule is to avoid full discharges whenever possible… which means not letting the battery run out completely.

Let’s explore your laptop’s power settings to customize your battery preferences. Hibernation mode is your friend—it kicks in before your battery hits rock bottom. Don’t forget to activate Battery Saver mode, a godsend for preserving power when your battery is running low.

Next, it’s time to declutter. Close background apps and say goodbye to unnecessary power drains. Toggle off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not in use and dim screen brightness to conserve energy.

But what about charging etiquette? Contrary to popular belief, plugging your laptop won’t harm your battery – modern devices are smarter than you think. Just steer clear of extreme temperatures and never let your battery dip below 20% if you can help it.

When storing your laptop for a little longer than usual, put it away with around 50% charge. If you’re ever in doubt, some battery apps offer real-time insights into your battery’s health.

Lastly, stay on top of software updates. New patches and upgrades can optimize performance and minimize energy consumption, giving your battery a new lease of life.

We help businesses around here get the most from their devices for as long as possible. If we can do the same for you, get in touch.
