CSTG Videos
Recent Articles
TEAMS: Swap to the right mic during a call
WORD: Start a bullet-pointed list in just one click
November Video 2021 – How to stop programs from loading at startup
If Windows takes ages to start, maybe there’s too much software launching automatically on your business’s PCs. Our new video shows how to manage that.
Here’s why – and how to do it.
Here are the four main ways to improve your business’s data security.
POWERPOINT: Remove the background from images quickly
October Video 2021 – How to turn off the built-in password manager in Chrome
How to turn off the built-in password manager in Chrome. We always recommend you use an external password manager. And if you do, disable the built-in one offered within Chrome.
Here’s why – and how to do it.
Here are the four main ways to improve your business’s data security.
TEAMS: Turn a quick email into a message
WORD: Insert chunks of text with shortcodes
September Video 2021 – What is multi-factor authentication?
There are some fundamental security measures you can use that offer high levels of protection for your business. Multi-factor authentication is one of those. Our new video explains what it is, how it works, and why you want to start using it in your business.
Here are the four main ways to improve your business’s data security.